Friday, December 12, 2014

Environmental ethics

Environmental ethics is a problem that you see every day. But what really seems to be the problem? People will say its big paper companies cutting down forests and destroying eco systems. If you look at most of those forests being chopped down they were grown by the paper companies for that sole purpose. So is it wrong for paper companies to harvest trees on the land that they own? It’s like if a farmer grows corn for the sole purpose of harvesting it and eating it. Of course it takes a lot longer but it’s the same principle. That's not saying that we should mass cut every forest in the world but that companies should be allowed to grow trees as crops. If you walk through the woods in Maine you are going to run into stone walls. They seem to be everywhere. That's because everywhere you see a stone wall that area used to be fields. Maine used to be covered in fields then they were allowed to grow out and tress began to grow everywhere. Even if you clear cut a small area there are still more tree there then there were 50 years ago. Although trees aren't the only problem when it comes to environmental ethics you will see people discussing fuel all the time. Personally I believe we should use solar panels and hydro plants to get electricity instead of oil. Not only because it’s better for the plant but also because it’s more practical. It’s cheaper and provides free and clean energy to those who choose to use it. The biggest problem with environmental ethics is it involves money more than it should. When discussed the only thing that seems to be brought up is how much it would cost not how much good it would do.

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